The Gloucester County DREAM Park Project

This project was designed in two phases. Phase One groundbreaking was in 2006 and led to the completion and opening of the Logan Equestrian Park (LEP) in 2009 (lower left).

Phase Two will create the 172-acre Gloucester County Park (GCP) and is in its final year (2018) (upper and lower right). The GCP was approached in two distinct areas (Pods) separated by a long east-west ditch. Pod 1 is on the South Side of the ditch. Pod 2 (and 2A) is on the North Side of the ditch.
The Gloucester County Park

Pod One (in final stages of completion)

Pod 2 (completed in 2015, including tidal mitigation area)

A short video highlights the history, highlights and status of this huge remediation and development project.
The project is sponsored by the Gloucester County Improvement Authority (GCIA) and conducted and paid for by Soil Safe. A Summary of the project can be viewed and downloaded here: GCIA